6 April 2011

these old bottles were found in the old dairy shed at a family property on the weekend.
not sure if they have anything to do with the running of the dairy, it is full of old junk and rusting machinery, so these are probably cast off from some other work.
they've been languishing in that old shed for decades.

of course they cleaned up well and are now gleaming on my kitchen shelf.
the lids are even in working order.
though perhaps not for food storage?

two of them have MASON'S embossed on the glass.
the other reads TRADE MARK LIGHTNING
what did they contain?...
how old are they/...

if you have any idea please leave a comment.


Siobhan said...

Mason jars are for food preserving so totally fine for keeping food in them. You are lucky to find them, they are very cool. I have seen people make them into lamps. And yes, I am a horrible person for not yet having got your Q&A up yet, but I am working on it right now...

Siobhan said...

I just found this link on Mason and Lightening jars that sheds some light http://www.qnet.com/~glassman/info/jarfaq.htm

gillian t bencke said...

Thanks siobhan!
This link is wonderful! I am so pleased to find such detailed information on these mason jars.