17 January 2008

Debi van Zyl has become one of my favourite bloggers in recent months. not only because i found my name amongst her 'people i wish i new list', but more because the images she seems to constantly inspire me with and always amazing and recent! clearly a very busy blogger and maker!
When Debi's not blogging she is knitting gorgeous creatures like the two above: 'andrew' & 'gavin'.
late last year Debi and i did a swap. gavin and arthur (see below) were sent over to Newcastle from California. to see their arrival and ongoing adventures go to the link on the right side of this blog called 'gavin & arthur'
these little people are full of character and made with such care and skill.
to see more of her work, or in quest of making one of her knitted creatures your own, visit Debi van Zyl 's website.

gavin & arthur now live in newcastle on barker street

their first adventure once unpacked

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